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Develop The Idea Nugget

Now’s the time. Entertain the unconventional! Develop The Idea Nugget

You’ve heard the excuses, maybe even said them yourself. ‘I don’t have the time.’ ‘Who’s going to buy into that idea?’ Instead of exploring those nuggets, we squash them or bolt the door closed.  Pivot points and times of change are perfect to explore these ideas.  Creativity needs tension or a bit of something different.  Life pivot points are perfect as tension and newness naturally present themselves. Direct that tension towards creative energy.

We have a vast storehouse of ideas, starters, nuggets to explore. Develop The Idea Nugget Science has determined that new brain, neural connections can be made.  What if instead of squashing or silencing those nuggets they had room and time to grow and develop?

If you’re out of practice or just never done this before, start now.Develop The Idea Nugget   Just take the first step. We can make this harder than it is, think about it for days, or think of 100 reasons you shouldn’t, couldn’t or wouldn’t.  It’s just ONE STEP. 

If you’re out of practice, or never done this deliberately before, here are key steps to get you started.  If you’ve done this before, use these suggestions to make these a regular set of behaviors.

  1. Write down your idea.  It looks a bit lonely on the page, even fragile.  Not to worry, it will have company soon.  Validating the idea by putting it on paper, has the effect of opening the doors to more ideas.  All of us have lots of them. If more come, write them all down.
  2. Choose one idea to grow.  Again, not complicated. There’s no right or wrong choice. Sometimes nuggets need to be joined together to grow.  Maybe it’s one you’ve thought about for a long time.  Maybe dreamed about as a kid.  Maybe a passing thought when you were driving in the car, inspiration from a song or a podcast.
  3. Research it. Can you read a book on the topic, or sign up for a podcast?  Can you do an internet search on some of the key words?  Casually ask questions of someone you trust.  Resist the urge to discard the idea too quickly based on what you might find.  I always recommend you figure out a way to research the opposition.  So, if you find some data in that direction, dig into it.  Those opposing comments or facts often contain feedback on how to grow your nugget.
  4. Repeat.  Choose another idea and repeat the cycle.  Success isn’t getting it right on the first attempt.  Success is not giving up.  Nuggets often need to be joined with others or formed into new shapes to grow.  All these steps take practice and can become learned skills. 

Please contact us to learn more about how to develop those unconventional ideas. Learn more at

At Rebel Success for Leaders, everyday is THE day to choose unconventional for exceptional results!