Develop The Idea Nugget

Now’s the time. Entertain the unconventional! Develop The Idea Nugget You’ve heard the excuses, maybe even said them yourself. ‘I don’t have the time.’ ‘Who’s going to buy into that idea?’ Instead of exploring those nuggets, we squash them or bolt the door closed.  Pivot points and times of change…

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Bias Be Gone

Seek the opposition bias be gone As soon as you search for something on an internet search engine, you immediately are served up similar article, topics and perspectives.  All similar perspectives and all provided based on your interest.  The algorithms now used are geared towards serving you similar ideas, quickly…

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Focus As A Superpower

Everyone is looking for a way to stand out from our peers.  Want to stand out? Hone your power to focus. Focus as a Superpower Constant information at our fingertips.  According to a study by Microsoft, the average human being now has an attention span of eight seconds – less than that of a…

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The Power Of Access

Want to increase your workplace retention? Give that top talent you’ve spent so much time and effort recruiting more access to the leaders, the top people. Or just to their immediate boss.power of access This is not about face time or having them practice their elevator pitch or stalking the…

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